Now nothing mattered.
Love had approached ... and had passed by without dedicating a second look. Should not have happened so I cosciente it, but they had been.
Maybe now live alone forever.
is a see you soon. Because things change and people too.
When I read and I read to myself, except the last entries. I need to start over, no, does not mean I forget about me. Means to remove the thoughts of a young Senora add matures.
Farewell, why not.
Okay, this is not a matter for anything, but I have not much to tell (unless of course you want to bore you with my usual nonsense haha) I want some people to understand some things. But do not take it to heart.
God is subliminal imagery.
God is something people invent to keep all that remains: faith in themselves. It is then invent a being that can do everything and ask, for heaven's sake, help them succeed. When this happens, they believe their prayers were indeed answered, but no, this "imaginary person" were themselves simply helps them to have value in themselves. As a lifeguard helps you float, ask for something to tie you to God is a miracle happen. Come on, things happen ...
If there is one thing I hate is that people say "Thank God" No, thank god my panties, everything that thank God people did it with their own efforts. The food on the table is the result of 8 hours in the office, for example.
And hate to say that God is so good and what they want, if it is so good and there really is no poverty Why? How many people die each day? (Okay, we have to die, but not quartered does it?) Why are natural disasters? Why do you have to kiss your ass for something good to happen? If good, would do things the way that nobody suffered too much and not ask anything in return.
The church is just a government conspiracy. (Or against it, whatever) Someday, you all my children, I understand.
end of my post saying: Things happen, because they have to go through, "capish?
thousand years ago have not written here.
And there is much to tell you I do not know where to start. Unfortunately no
things too good, and if viewed from a perspective that's not mine, not much really interesting. But are things I care about me.
I spent a year (8.3), under a bit of my average, but who cares, 4 / 10 is not too do you? especially telling you take a five on a bi-monthly. Did you know that is the first time in my 16 years I'm in ninth grade? Man, I'm Great (h)
I got sick. In fact I almost comatose oo, well the thing is this: I fell down the stairs, I fainted, did not react, I began to convulse, I was taken to hospital, country & # 233; there one night. Then they sent me the neurologist and he said it's called Status , and that is a bald frog hair before the comma, I have with sedatives and not sure what else. I spend the day sleeping, which I DO NOT like.
saw my dad! Well, I talked with him or anything (not so lucky ...) but my mother parked the car right behind Ely'm pretty sure know who I am, we stare just before boarding ... but do they know? My father is old ... has more gray hair than my grandma (of course, barring that my grandmother often paint hahaha). And do not ask me why I was so excited just to have seen, the last time I saw him I was 6.
My mother ruined my holiday T_T I got summer school ... bah, it would not since I left elementary school, how dare you? But hey, equal and take something good to go ... What? I do not know, but something I have to get hahaha. They are only 4 weeks. Ha and the school is like the last time I saw her, only now I do not go on the swings hahaha. Very small.
And yes, my mother and I still have no work, in fact, I was forbidden to work ... OK, here nor do I know that flies stung him. It's a miracle that has internet which I have cut the telephone line.
Vale ... I promised not to say this but ... my blog is not it? haha, that bad ... But if Extrañoa Santiago, I accept it. Look who we met only twice and we believe that not a month is enough to remember the time we were together ... fuck if I'm corny right?. But hey, no way, so I think I am and I can not change me .... My mother thinks so too hahaha.
And I have not written a line of my novel a month ago also my pc also died (though I think it revived) and deleted my file, blessed the day that you post on the blog holy shit that gave me a shot, really.
Ahm ... I think I'm missing something ... that was? Oh yeah, I'm getting old! T_T 16. _. sound too.
know that I love Xoxo
This morning my mother goodbye.
One thing I hate is that people do things without reason, or as I say, "for his breeches." And that's how my mom goodbye, a colleague was full of envy, and it bothered him that left missing mom, because both we are sick (she has early arthritis and mild hearing loss is being treated, and to me having surgery of the gallbladder) and as a chief duty is to provide service anywhere methods doctor. So we had Isemym and gave him permission not to go to the doctor obviously justified as anywhere. The point is that the lady it was immature to gossip to the Treasurer (My mother worked in a H. Hall) and 'bang bolazo' at 3 days is derecognised.
And now I lost my money, no doctor and ... you guessed it. No Internet.
We are doing the fighting, she and I get a job, for at least able to pay the cable and phone (hence the Internet) and in the miraculous event both got me left alone by August.
While you may still have classes this time I do well
7:00 am - go
8:00 am - 1:00 pm
work-out work
2:00 pm to get home, change, eat.
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
school - back home
Especially if as I suspect they will not give work to my mother.
Sorry if I disappear, you know, hard times u.ú
I needed to make the Great Escape. We estrezadas
Yes, my mom and I went for a walk, went to the mall to buy things, to have coffee and chat in the Samborns Oh, and movies!.
Yes, I finally see the long awaited "Locura de Amor en Las Vegas" I will not do spoilers, but if I tell them is great. though to be a comedy at first bored a little, then comes the funny and kitsch close ♥ Could be better? I think not.
addition, let's face, Ashton Kutcher has 30 years, but is quite a hottie. Poor, is wasted with Demi Moore, I do not know if it's the makeup, but lately looks old. Although in the end Who the fuck am I to criticize?
Nothing better to start one month estrezante, a day out, doing things you love, no remorse and no hurry, and then come work!
Capullo, and I miss you.
What he heck is Arthur? Well, I'll explain.
Arthur was a boy I had 8 years, was bipolar.
Among the memorable things I have of him are the happy days when he came teníay say that I was dreaming. It made me feel good.
Our relationship was special because sometimes (most of the time) hated us and psychologically hurt us, just to fuck. You know, that if you have no life and you spend in front of the pc, if you're an ignorant bitch that if music and blah blah blah. At other times we were in love in secret, both for me as I of him. In fact it was never a secret when I was in good queríay I said I like, sometimes even had sex jueguillos not the case with us considering how we "odi & # 225; we were "most of the time. But we were never far from boyfriends.
The point is that over time, reaching to love the guy, sincere affection but do not think of that one true love was (for him) in my moments of solitude. But his Bipolarity was very large, that is why sometimes (when he was good) we loved and sometimes (when I was bad) we hated. ] Even were medicated, he spent his telling me to have to take your medicine, comezóny causing lethargy, among other things. I do not remember what it was called the medicinilla that. I remember the last time we spoke told me he had problems with his father, although I was well remember why he slapped him and grabbed his father hosts. He said that if he died one day, be my guardian angel.
Shortly after that, he committed suicide.
I met in my time that I call "dark past" and then he and I were like dying most of the time, but xoy things were still here. His life bipolar and not so cute wearing what led to suicide (as you know what? Well, it ceased to connect, to telephone and mail even if you change 200 times never accept me again) And at first I think I did not care, but over the days, months and perhaps years, I've realized that I miss very much.
already see cocoon, in the end if it was true that he would miss.
the hell, hell For what I remembered? Anyway. I leave this video for him I dedicate this song, along with some others. I keep trying to remember which was the Guns'n'Roses that this was the first. This is the second, but first I remember.
Well, my life is boring since the last entry unless the party holding Fucho and then, oh yeah , delicious chelas ... although a salt limóny sun would not have been wrong, I have pleasure of tasting. Same tastes good model. Okay, I accept, I looked at the Blue Cross when it is not my favorite team, but something has to do with my grandfather, right?
Anyway, I do not want-not write anything here while I can (because June will be a little busy) I come to present one of my favorite series, estoi almost swear that they love.
can look at the rest if you are interested
Up recently for me was just a kiss some boyfriends, couple, something resembling it, but ehm ... I recently kissed in July (and I have told him wilo, handsome and rake) and a bloody time in my life, I felt nothing.
Yeah, I love you haha, I always had problems with those things, seemed to lend atencióny guy had me drooling at the least a week .. . I sometimes lasted all year. But well, actually were 2 kisses ... While the boy kisses haha, but I think there are better and since that Monday we are with arrumaquitos and stuff but really are playing, nothing serious. Yes, I will say that I speak for me, but Julio is true of all (at least with Olga, Rosario, Yesica ....) And you know something? here is where I love the "Why Not?" because I know some (and some ... are you Marian?) will say that I am a wila ... but he has? is that one can not have a free? And I got tired of being like my family and do all thinking of going to say. Say what pleases them , I said.
Do you realize what they do 12 kilos less? Milagros .
Why do I kiss my boy, those who are just as Julio, a typical bad guy who wants to ride with the top model of the school / classroom. .. in my dreams haha, but I swear this is definitely NOT dreamed.
Saturday was the baby shower for my cousin Paty, we have moved us well for a holiday over "bland" haha, there were several concursillos, one that another joke, Paty said 1000 times that will be called Selina senora and my godmother (who is indeed her mother) and etc, etc, etc.
Well, today I thought to see a couple of friends but I think we did not quite agree and end ... all arrived at different hours and could not haha, maybe for the other we get it right.
And last Monday, played back to school (although I have no classes on Tuesday ... again) I have a lot of work to deliver, and ... I hate that school, so do not think I love the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing.
Worse, my mother sentenced ah my vacation, because it thinks to send me to summer school, Fuck, I thought I had saved these when I entered seventh grade ... for the first time.
You know something? Lately I've been very sad as it were, ah sometimes I'm thinking I'm a real magnet of louts, will one day find someone who really loves me and is not an idiot or a mama's boy? Or maybe I should stop being so pretentious as to believe in love stories and the Prince Charming and settle for what I played or left alone as an oyster (? ), if, ultimately I want one of those love stories for me .... but bah, I? "A perfect love story? please! I just love going in the same sentence if it is " Mir is a disaster with love" ... Oh yes.
Plus ... Let's face until it ceases to be a relative of the family of cows, in the end, does not have many friends (at least not the sort you out to parties to meet someone) ... I ordered this. Although good, I'm working to stop non-value so much ... but look that is difficult considering that most of what I say about me is true even in part ¬ ¬ -
Mood: Happy Listening
: The Scientist - Coldplay
I cut bangs so eh. Finally a decent hairstyle. (Is that I had ... bah, it was not nice at all, I also did what he did was the same hairstyle at the end shit haha). Well
. The point is that I bought a Daschund eh (aka Wiener Dog) When I decided to call Moody, by Hank Moody of Californication ... and that was that or "Fucker." But my mother would not be very happy if you ask me. Anyway, I'm very happy with the miniature of the month and a half that was born on March 25. Honey color but is still moving out (in fact already does) and will Pintail "? (Black with brown chest) that chachi. We bathed
that dog smelled haha, but now smells delicious soap, after that ah slept almost all day long but admit that he played 15 minutes ... but were 15 minutes to say No! over and over and over again haha. I think that for the first time in my life I need to buy a toy for my pet, or end up doing destrocitos (is that now you can not damage Medium presentation haha)
Here in stellar presentation: Moody and I, with new bangs.
Can anyone be depressed and not realize?
I do not know, aunt told my mom that sleeps so late (well, uh I just woken 2:10 pm 3 days, and say later ...) and not want to eat some days and others do not stop there anything more important than that. (And Venus knows that other things you said) are symptoms of depression, Bah, I do not feel sad, the problem is that ah urged my mother to go family therapy and seems intent = I do not know where it comes from the blessed idea, but anyway.
xD Just for today
The test came hard, trust me I've almost never studied, and here I have the result. 5.8. (English 4.2, 6 Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Social Sciences 7) I guess something will have to see who was not wearing uniform and blessed the newly emerged problems, but end. There will be time to recover from that crazy or lose a year (or semester) in my life.
course, I hope my mother does not know that or I'm fried, because I believe that AMO will have noticed that the holidays and the first thing that is going to punish me when he finds out haha, I could not live without my parties (which this month and occupy much space on the agenda). Anyway.
I just reported, Ha! and I hope you had a great with their moms on Mother's Day (: hope and all have the same joy that I have your mother with you. I've been great to me in home (even accompanied my grandma's grave Enflora my great-grandmother), but have not been more than a couple of aunts. After all I spent all day eh sending sms's to the rest of them and my cousins, and well, almost the same in my opinion.
Tuesday I have no school (: but I think I have things to do ... no I will just check. Besic!
Sorry but it's true, just when I try to behave well and show that I'm growing all the shit, shit damn system.
Argh I'm very pissed, I skip class yesterday to stay half talking to Robert for your wedding at the time of recess, we spent the time and the stupid teacher had the brilliant idea to confiscate my bag (me and mariana) & # 191; that teacher do that? I have no bone in the head, high ah not given me until my mother went to talk to them. Hell, then you begin to make complaints who the hell I ask them how I behave? my mom just went to ask them to give me my bag and point-shit, my mom still has to go to see things at my school ... please I have 3 or 15? - If I speak beaten, if you do not like how I reason that if they bother to say that I know something, that if I listen to music in class ....
And shit, if I tell you I'm beaten and I do not like the system, I do not like being in a crummy school when I should be in fucking high school, not in the mood to talk with sweetness. Reasoned that if so, shit, so I am ... I have no fault to be like Malcolm, I say things if they do not find ways and I'm not going to shut that do not appear. In any case I do not know that bothers you and I know things, I have no fault that I be "teaching" things I know from primary and / or who are first degree high school, not second, which is where I'm supposed. And I'm perfectly capable of listening to music at the same time I do something else, and do it with headphones to avoid pounding her, so how the hell do they bother you? Huh? What can not they? Why the fuck I have a cell phone with MP3 if I can use?
Fuck. Of high morning (or after a while, whatever) I have the stupid test and I'm so pissed that whatever I consider not understand anything, and it's not like me Methane is agreed that
H one of the most important moments in your life? a "best friend" I do that and can officially declare my non-friend.
I feel, as I said hey when I get to pissed me swear uu will not read me well, I'm sorry!
I do not know how it is that some day come to consider "bad" to my mother, Mala? Bah, she's the most beautiful person inside than anyone can imagine. Although time and circumstances have rusted a bit of your body and soul. In the background remains beautiful.
Yes, it is vindictive and sometimes irritates me a little struggling up the slightest right.
But after all only want the best for me, want more of what she might become, wants to avoid suffering, wants to be for my mother who was not for her. Teach them that no parenting, I know, and unfortunately my grandmother did what she thought best at the moment. Good or bad. My mom has one of the toughest jobs in the world, being a mother, father and a good example, all at the same time.
Mom: I know you're reading this, not gonna do that, but I want to tell you something, today more than I'll try to be the best daughter in the world, or, at least, the best can become, I will give my best to be everywhere, I see it or not, thinking of you.
• Entry corny, I know. But it is the kind of things I wanted to blog
Hugo's birthday was great, very familiar, very funny, full of laughs, old memories and comments. I spent the night with my niece Ximena, who is 9 years younger than me but that's how I do not know, reminds me of me when I was a girl haha. It does not do very much. Valla
the years go fast, fast, fast. I do not know, I do not bench a lot to my cousin and is 19 years, and that his brother is about to marry (we got the invitation last night) pfft, if nothing é ; branches around children!.
I do not know, lately I'm on the lookout for someone in my family die, mostly because my grandparents are old people do not know, each to repair their age, or infirmities or things like that I realize I can lose any day. They or anyone else.
So I remembered a movie I saw with my grandfather in 2004 (so long ago now) that was so called precisely, never leave without saying I Love You. So I decided that corny as it sounds, from now on I will never go without telling everyone how much they mean to me (:
May. Showers.
I feel like in the cold, where I always love to be boasted of, but now I do not like, I hate being alone, and have dreamed fríoy your touch, your hugs and your kisses, and know they are not there really and I feel more bipolar than before, as ever, because now I'm upset, and in two minutes I am sad, and a while later I can be laughing of life and its ironies with my friends.
personality I have a mom, my family, some for you, one for my friends and one for me. I'm not sure which of all is the real me, but I must say that I love your clones, so one learns who must learn from this cold, and this desire I feel of seeing the world through the eyes of silly girl and the desire to mourn for nothing that I still able to satisfy. And the fear of losing everything that gives me lately.
known is as absurd a story and not feel the protagonist. But, from now on I will be the protagonist, but that I condemn the cold forever, that cold that I can only calm one moment and not always. & # 191, who sends me love living alone? I'm not good for anything else, the only profession which pe me is to love found, love with all I have, to love and forgive, forgive and love you feel at the moment. And being corny and cloying set and retail people and tired myself.
There are decisions that hurt a little.
People who come to stay, and people who have to leave.
You, you got to go through the same door he saw you come into my life And I
: I hope not regret it one day.
Great, what I need. Now not only am I a mile a minute, but it also I have the stupid exams Once Again. And what are the 7 and 8 May, I'll tell you how I was. I do not think back to take four 10's in the history of cole so do not make much hope.
Oh yeah, and you know something? every day there are more reasons to feel old. First of all this feel great, then the problems of my friends that I opened my eyes to see that we have no problems in children, and now, friends who are married (to the 19-year ; you, you crazy!). Yes, Roberto is going to marry, do not even know his girlfriend, but he had it coming 3 years, separated by fence to know that reason and now they met again and decided to marry. How nice.
Though knowing that your best male friend (after Giovanni) is getting married gives you terrible jealousy, I swear. Because you can not call it yelling at 3 am, it also ended the night of vodka in the park and all types of strokes on second-degree zero (do not try to understand, just Roberto and I would understand haha), and that you fence to get home at 10 pm, and tell you it does and when it does and you acompañea home to "not miss with a boy. " Nor can I answer your phone and say "they call it then, that Robert is busy with me" as his owner haha. Fuck, Who do you think of marrying at age 19? It is a tremendous madness ... but what makes you happy.
So my busy schedule currently is:
3: Feast of Hugo, Dr.17: Doctor
23: Feast Day "student disque" lol24: Doctor
29: Wedding of Robert31: Doctor
And that, I'm just saying the most relevant. Puff ... that flooded 10 days busy schedule haha! and me was that I had something to do 1 a month ... I miss him now haha. Anyway. I'm going because I have to sleep (stupid meetings, stupid politics, stupid López Obrador, my stupid work mother)
Cursed be the day to save your phone number on the agenda of my mother, and glorious is the time I found it. Compulsively now part of my phone and I am sure that from me again enter "and you got over" and I'll delete it but now I know that is on the agenda of my mother and will be suffering the vicious circle with your email address-no doubt my-thank heaven changed . Now I just hope it does not happen again delete it and add that if you call it of continued stay in bankruptcy soon. (Not to mention that: it is unsettling)
should be doing homework, but needed to this because I am "philosophical" lately, and I can better describe what I feel. I had never tried to describe this before. I do not know, I have this compulsion to record things (what I eat, what I do, I climb the steps) or to seek evidence of them (photographs, newspapers old witnesses ...) why is it that interests me right? In short, I turn away at that issue now.
Sometimes it happens that I do not know what day I am, especially when I write, or when it is night and eh asleep, or waking, I'm in a parallel universe where I do not know if this is the time of Hitler (idol), Christmas 2005 or April 2008, the space-time altogether. I do not know if I'm in my room in London drinking in a bar with Joshua (read those who read my novel) I know nothing, sometimes I feel so confused that I need to lose connecting with the real world to find out what happens. Yes, I think that might sound a little crazy, not like looking at my watch around the clock or do not fix it, but the truth is that no, that currently do not understand anything, it's like not to see clearly. See where I go, I do not understand where I am, whether it is day night, if I'm late for something.
Sometimes I tend to remember things, and that is where most lose the space-time, I do not know if I'm having a coffee in my grandparents' house or about to cut my wrist in my old home. Sometimes I can even re-living things (contradicciones.. That's me, but too chicken to have memory, I do) and do not know where I was doing and I relive that feeling, then immediately I can feel that choking again and not understand anything.
problem to the local girl that although I I'm not saying that no one reacts well as I do and is completely healthy, it gets crazy and crazier. Although still not be my fault that is perceptive of the whole vibe
Ok, do not respond well to low levels of stress begin to take on higher levels.
Now I must go, I have to go to school and even now is not done half the things I planned for today.
You know something? if there is something I do not bank, is to have many flaws (though Santi tell me not to count them, another shortcoming is that I can not help it), if he had no memory of chicken, and remember all that I am on the d & # 237; to how to put on a list, I think I would go for the number 1000, to say little. If we speak of a list of virtues ... I do not think over 20.
And no, not that I value, is nothing but the truth, and sometimes the truth is beautiful, a sometimes (as in this case) can not be, and so am I, so eh always said, I made imperfection teenager or woman that I think, hehe. Sometimes people do not understand how there are so damn perfect, without error, without a flaw, without anything, the kind that you hate just because a part of you even admire. And second, am I that I have of defects everything they have virtues.
course, is that people like me have much to envy others, I'd settle for having one thing I do not know, a nice smile, expressive eyes, a talent. .. I know I, but no, I have that stupid smile only way to one side more I practice smiling on the opposite side I can not, or think I'm snarled ; endo (in fact, gruñíay girl was smiling my way ...) and on both sides just smile when I think of Sam as a way of showing I'm happy, but unfortunately is not voluntary, and my eyes do not say anything, from high had to have the most common eye color of the fucking world, so even that. And talent, I said, and hey-I have found. Not one.
is one of the things that I thank my mother, despite their million and one reasons to be envious, and I have, most of the time, I'm not destructive, I do not go around saying "if I can not have / be this or that, you do not "Oh yeah, it's nice to realize that at least I'm a bit more desirable than others. While that does not make me entirely desirable right? (No, not really. And if you do not believe me ask all my friends ... well, not Laura. Sure they're sick of my hobbies / personalities changing / bipolar / egotism / blah blah blah .)
Sometimes I wonder to all this: for the hell am I here? I do not know, maybe they needed clogs in the world, this might be a good mission (and if I'm good at meeting): clog haha. Oh yeah, put a sign that says: do you need who interfere? 24x7x365 is clogged. Nah, on second thought I doubt anyone who wants to get in the way haha. Not in my school, which is like the 3rd see in this year that I want to run (and that this year, than in the past were 1 they wanted and they did hahaha 1) duty & # 237; to learn to keep my mouth shut and be sheep and do whatever pleases them to their majesties.
But this right, well ... I know, eh never had good manners. In my house they spend complaining about the way I answer ... in fact ... everywhere.
addition, I have to be crazy plan: say, I'm not sad, I'm wrong but not sad (do not know how to explain it ... so do not ask questions) and all I have my ramblings anyway I thought this only gave me when tobacco for giving me a shot of truth-ha, technical problem, I have no gun, I'm just ... to-censored-all. My problems, problems everywhere ... uff, a lot. I suppose one of the drawbacks of being so perceptive, grab the problems as mine. I'm sick of my friends have to find apartment that the run of his house that his parents are in hospital with life in a thread, do stupid things and end up pregnant, to have a heart of glass crashed against a wall a thousand times, that my mother is sick, it is not able to remember the birthday of my nephews (and I complain when nobody remembers mine ....) and other things that happen to me of which I do not even want to talk. But I'm tired of my life to be lies, because if it is what I do: cheat, deceive, manipulate people to let me do and undo, kill me and keep me alive. The worst thing is that if it is a talent (that, or people around me are naive enough to not notice anything).
Do you see that I am about to pull my hair and hit the wall? (No metaphor, it sounds crazy and it made eh hehe ...)
but I'm also tired of not serve crap, I want to find something for which if I serve! my stupid need for attention is focused on: Look at me, am good for something, be happy and proud of me. 1 and a thousand times I curse my need to fit in somewhere. and the truth is that already tried all the puzzles and none fit. I do not know, and I can just with the school when most of my friends work, do something, at least have some type of something that is going to serve one day (I hated the English course, and look at me now love of music in that language) and I what I do?. Crush here in front of a PC, and pretend to study in a crummy school, where my friends are homosexual, a former drug addict, a girl very "happy", a pregnant woman and a married woman of 20 years with a child. Sometimes I end by asking "Where hell I'm going to end? "I mean, because that's Tell me your company and tell you who you are is true (otherwise would not have finished bisexual ... do you? Well, maybe if)
Ufa, I think that after all this blogging is good, but nobody took me read all that was around my head ... well, actually not everything, but the vast majority.
Shit, is 2000 words I started the entry and could follow it and follow it until the end of time, but not worth it, sure we all stopped reading in the second p & # 225; paragraph and do not blame them I would not read me. I myself lazy.
But it boils down to: More than ever I have no fucking
the end, as you will see if I made the changes. In a strange way Why Not?, But after all did not leave, still as a subtitle haha. I keep trying to be my philosophy of life, although not always heed. Lately I go so wrong with the Why Not. By the way, before I say something, I know that right would be "Give me a Shot to Remember" Buuut not matter, I like how it sounds with Blow, say less repetitive. Why is it called that? Easy, that whenever something goes wrong tell me "* Mir imagination is given a shot in the head *" haha, although I speak more on msn that has more grace right? And if they found some insurance, but I did not invent the title. It is part-modified, and what I said in the song The Sharpest Lives by MCR. I'm just damn traumatized with that song-and Dead! -
I do not know, not to say that I leave the blog, for nothing.
blog I love this shit I wear, that does nothing but I still love it.
just that, my life is a complete disaster and I am putting in place (oh yeah, I'm cool) ... but I realize that the changes I made and I do not quite fit with the blog ... I think something needs to be adapted.
I have no insurance, but I think Why Not going to be to be: Blow me a Shot to Remember. That
I'm not the same.
the girl was just stupid, submissive and amorous. That would never have existed.
I know, I have fear of things stupidly simple, but so am I guess the fear comes from not wanting to make a fool of myself haha but good things went well today.