Monday, October 26, 2009
Raylene Richard Masturb

2010 Wishlist Football
Woke ...
not want to wake up, I have never lucky enough to sleep, I can never sleep, sleeping all the time.
woke up, and no, it turned out ...
How many times have I intentato?
I think I lost count.
woke up and that means I can not even resting, there is still something to do, to pay to play ... I woke up and the dreams are not allowed here, not for the strange feeling to start and not advance ...
One more day ...
When will I lucky?
I got dressed and cut my bangs.
I feel that I can alone, without bothering anyone.
woke up, maybe just for my bad luck, perhaps to mourn some more time, perhaps to be happy, maybe for some, perhaps, perhaps ...
woke up and had no luck, I can never sleep without stopping.
No, it turned out, and dreams are not allowed.
One day, I woke ...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Best Companies To Work For In Uae 2009

3. What are you wearing today?
pijama now one of Snoopy, fashion fashion hehe.
4 - What is the last thing you bought?
As the magazine "Glamour" is? hehe. A black knee boots.
5 - What do you think of the person you chose?
Which like your blog is a very sweet person, a delight!
6 - What's for dinner?
Well I do not know yet!
7 - What is your favorite decade?
The 60, I lost those retro dresses!
8 - What are your must-have for summer?
Shorts, jeans, a blouse wide Roman and neutral color.
9 - What do you love to afford? Travel
all I want, there are so many places I want to know ..
10 - In your closet, what is your favorite outfit?
choose not know, usually my jeans and basic tees!
11 - What is the job of your dreams?
Working in a laboratory for Assisted Reproduction, helping people who have trouble having children would be my dream ..
12 - What is your favorite magazine?
In Style and Vogue, though not averse to do any, I whistle!
13 - What do you consider a fashion faux pas?
Everything in moderation can afford.
14 - Describe your style:
Buff, I dunno. Hippie-romantic if it exists!
15 - What is your favorite Beatle?
John Lennon.
16 - What are you proud?
of my family and my friends. Do not change anything in the world!
Finally, I would announce, if someone does not has heard yet, the draw for I'm not your style , a beautiful reversible watch Pedro del Hierro. You have been given until October 23 so do not miss the opportunity to llevároslo.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Enlarged Inguinal Lymph Node After Heart Cath
- Shirt: Primark (SS07).
- Cardigan: Pull & Bear (SS09). Leopard
- jeans: Zara (AW 08).
- Dancers: Str (AW08).
- Pendant: Oysho (AW 09).
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
How To Play A Undf File
From all we know that the aesthetics of the 80 entered with force this fall and winter.
- Blouse: H & M (AW 09).
- Skirt: Zara (AW 07). Diadema
- : Dayaday (AW 09).
- Sandals: White (AW 09) (are my cousin! mine are the camel).
- Bag: SIX (AW 08).
- Skirt: Zara (SS 09).
- Pendant: Oysho (AW09).
- Sandals: White (SS 09).
- Belt: White (AW 08).
- Skirt: MNG (SS 09).
- Pendant: Dayaday (AW 07).
- feather headband: H & M (AW 09).
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Kristal Summers Loose?
When we make love, I feel that all our body wakes up, then we have no past or memories ... We concentrate on the skin feeling the rhythmic waves of blood, the grim darkness of the earth, the vessels without ties, the lava of the volcano, hoarse voice that whispers words without meaning ... (silence) Making love is to replicate and shorten the wings Flight, violently crushing the earth with our weight, is confined exactly to the limits of our own design, without leaving an inch of
that outline everything imprisons and contains ...
close my eyes and feel explosions in my body I do not want to go, I have no ending, I wish to flee paths inward. The desire to be very tight network fabric that does not allow the fish to flee. That pinched living in movement, glistening. To do down the stars, the stars bring light in each cell. I despair and I want the sky falls ... Making love is like turning the caresses and the senses in something new and perhaps unknown. You see for the first time, heard for the first time, playing for the first time, smelling for the first time. Feel for the first time a bittersweet love that every time is the first time as starting the day and the seasons begin ... When we're together I feel it is multiplied a thousandfold everything beautiful, magical, the good, creative . It is divided all the pain ... (slope) The dangerous feeling of descending to the bottom of the ocean and the clouds and jellyfish dizzy ...
an enormous curiosity to know the beautiful seeing another body, because what makes it beautiful is what it feels like, making it vibrate, quiver, what makes you feel ... is that making love is beating death relegated, lose the fear and respect ... is to believe and get rid of the habits and prejudices in order to be children again.
Loving allows us to put both hands to stop all arrows were fired. Knowing that the door is open, but we were ... (invitation that made you sleep on your chest) And we'll stay because
the love we need and what we need, because the encounter of two beings who love the miracle, the most difficult the most important ... (sigh) We could simply fold
around without seeing each other, looking away, distracted ... or have passed at different times in the same place, or they never last ... And we had not found. Had to be a "something", a divine command, a well studied coincidence, that, among the hundreds of millions of people around the world, you and I agree about the
place at one time ... (The sky We took a picture of that day)
And you knew ... and that I knew. For some time the two knew ... sometimes, perhaps, that making love is always a premiere, like falling in love, not up, fly to the stars bring them to our country but imperfect, for stars to produce the bright fire, the purifying fire that transforms the meat around the sky ...

♥ I love you