L levo pretty busy one week I feel abandoned!
Between work and the course of Occupational Health and Safety at I joined I did not cope, who sent me to me to get into this mess, but I do not know to do nothing!
First of all wanted to thank the two awards they gave me two of my favorite bloggers last week
Sheii of "Trying to be image consultant" nominated me for this award . Thank Guapi, small details like these make the daily life more bearable!

The rules are:
- Publish the seal on your blog.
- Post a link to the blog that gave you the award.
- Pass it to friends' blogs.
- Ensure that the seal happens to other blogs to find new blogs.
My nominees are:
And the second is a meme that has given me Lollipop Happy . This blogger was the first to welcome me in this virtual world when I began my blogging adventure so I have a special affection. Thank you beautiful!
1. What is your obsession at the moment?
Living abroad and find my dream job.
2. What is your horoscope, you identify with him?
Scorpio, in some ways yes, I consider myself a good friend, emotional, stubborn as of imaginative .. I do not know me ..
3. What are you wearing today?
pijama now one of Snoopy, fashion fashion hehe.
4 - What is the last thing you bought?
As the magazine "Glamour" is? hehe. A black knee boots.
5 - What do you think of the person you chose?
Which like your blog is a very sweet person, a delight!
6 - What's for dinner?
Well I do not know yet!
7 - What is your favorite decade?
The 60, I lost those retro dresses!
8 - What are your must-have for summer?
Shorts, jeans, a blouse wide Roman and neutral color.
9 - What do you love to afford? Travel
all I want, there are so many places I want to know ..
10 - In your closet, what is your favorite outfit?
choose not know, usually my jeans and basic tees!
11 - What is the job of your dreams?
Working in a laboratory for Assisted Reproduction, helping people who have trouble having children would be my dream ..
12 - What is your favorite magazine?
In Style and Vogue, though not averse to do any, I whistle!
13 - What do you consider a fashion faux pas?
Everything in moderation can afford.
14 - Describe your style:
Buff, I dunno. Hippie-romantic if it exists!
15 - What is your favorite Beatle?
John Lennon.
16 - What are you proud?
of my family and my friends. Do not change anything in the world!
And my nominees are:
Finally, I would announce, if someone does not has heard yet, the draw for I'm not your style , a beautiful reversible watch Pedro del Hierro. You have been given until October 23 so do not miss the opportunity to llevároslo.
And finally, now really, as today was not any pictures of outfits on hand to show you my weakness, my dog \u200b\u200bMina ...
Good night!
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