Monday, January 17, 2011

Pain On Both Sides Of Belly

and my reason is you

"Yo le quiero por muchas más razones que vosotras"
- Carlos Salem -
No hace falta que me digáis eso de que perdéis la cabeza
por eso de que sus caderas...

Que conozco su voz en formato susurro, y formato gemido y en formato secreto. Que me sé sus cicatrices, y el sitio que le tienes que tocar en el este de su pie izquierdo para conseguir que se ría, y me sé lo de sus rodillas y la forma en que roza las cuerdas de una guitarra. Que yo también he memorizado su número de teléfono, pero también el numero de sus escalones y el numero de veces que afina las cuerdas antes to hang bulerías. Not only know their ultimate nightmare, also the previous thousand, and I do that I have no guts to say no to anything, because I have more debts to his back that nobody will ever have with the moon - and see that there are fools in love in this world -. I know the face you get when you let it be completely him, surrendered to that fucking miracle supposed to exist. I saw him fly over poets worth much more than these fingers, and I've seen sand puddle breaking all the clocks that set the path, and I've seen him all morning competition at the window - no I speak of landscapes if they have not seen his body -. That ", see each other, a powder is a powder, and that the treasure painted in red on your nails, and dreams can only rest on the five letters of his name. I understand you, I write about the same, on the same reasons that we all,
- but I, far more than you -.

Photos: My sister (Ainhoa) photographed by me.



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