Sunday, February 27, 2011

Does Menards Have Clothes


I love you, for every kiss and every hug you gave me even without deserving. For giving me everything you have and more without nisquiera ask, without expecting anything in return. Thank you for carrying me on your back, and getting up whenever I needed. I have much to thank, so many glances, so many Sundays in my room, so many corners that we did ours. Now I miss them and I enjoy remembering and spent every moment spent with you, every photo, every memory. Certainly not like in the beginning, there is this illusion of knowledge, of will like or will like. Now is much better, I feel that every day I love you more, I'm not one if I miss, my life and my heart will not work if you're not for reparlos when damaged.

Bloggers, approach the carnival, you know now that drisfrazais hos?



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