Yes, I'm here, writing and blocking things, mental things ...
I'm here, sitting on the carpet in my room, thinking, remembering, denying and admitting moments ... losing myself and not inventing things very well. Miro
everything around me, a bed that I remember your skin and silent sighs ... yesterday you said you liked the sighs (but not you mean mine)
I know I'm no saint Perhaps many think, also if you do not say you read my blog, you will not and is well within it. I know how much you hate me, I really do not need to tell me how you despise me because I feel it. Is that you really want to understand, you should not feel you gave it, so we came to settle do not do not even try.
may not understand what this type and poorly drafted and it does not matter now, because I need write well, a bit crazy, a little discontinued.
alone ... I feel deeply lonely and I can change it?
Apparently not.
I remembered the time I pulled the neck with the laces of my shoe converse , acordai you?
I remembered that night was so bad: /
it was my fault, not only my ideas lately not let me sleep, but also the guilt that you sow and I water every day.
I have the damn cool as ever and no longer know what to do, a thousand times to see if it occurs, a call?
Nothing. Still
know me feel, and I feel you, and I love ...
your way, you love me, right?
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